Strong + Sensitive:

Unleash Your Feminine Confidence,

Unlock Your Potential,

& Uplevel Your Strengths

as a Successful Female Leader


Is this you?

You're a smart, successful woman who wants to give and get the most out of life. You're a brave leader. A business owner. A bada**! 


You've been working hard, hustling, and doing everything it takes to reach your goals, but you've been feeling more stressed, stuck or over-stretched even in your usual day-to-day. 


You feel your best when your environment, your work, your relationships, your routine are running smoothly, but lately these have been feeling overwhelming, overstimulating, or off balance.


You feel tired, defeated or frustrated because there's so much to do, and the things you used to depend on being able accomplish in a day now seem draining, annoying or just "too much".


You've been feeling worried, anxious or irritable, and you just want to feel like you "self" again.


You wish you could just hit the "escape" button, shut everything down, jump on a plane to that beach vacation you've been fantasizing about, then come home and just get a "job". (Ugh!)


I hear you, and I've been there!


As a sensitive woman in business, I've felt out of control emotions...been called "a princess", "selfish", "bossy" (and worse)...faced fear...felt like giving up... cried at work...tried harder...hustled...failed...landed in defeat and burnout.


I'd always been able to rely on my natural motivation to just get back up, try again, and "push through". 


But I had nothing left to push from.


I realized I needed a new way forward - a Feminine way. A way that honours my intuition, leverages my sensitivity, and harnesses my emotional intelligence as a female leader.

A way that feels good.

(Imagine that!)



If we haven't met yet, hello!...I'm Dr. Elizabeth Cherevaty, a naturopathic doctor, women's wellness consultant and the creator of Fempowered Global. I'm on a mission is to inspire women globally to embrace their Feminine Power so they can create their own definitions of "having it all".


As a strong + sensitive woman, YOU, too have access to every bit of this feminine power + potential!


Since you've found yourself here, my belief is that you already know intuitively that as a woman, when you feel supported, uplifted and empowered, great things happen in your life and the lives of those around you. In fact, you being your best YOU is good for the WORLD. 


As women, we're designed for community, connection and collaboration. We're stronger together, and we don't have to lose our sensitivity to be strong.

In fact, your sensitivity can be a valuable strength on your path to the success you desire (and deserve).


By the end of this workshop, you'll discover:

  • Your Signature Sensitivity Strength Inventory (TM) - Leverage Your Sensitivity as a Strength & Create Sustainable Success.
  • 3 Simple Strategies for Overcoming Overwhelm - Set Your State as a Successful Female Leader (Anytime, anywhere).
  • Your Unique #1 Guiding Principle of Successful Feminine Leadership - Reclaim Your Confidence, Clarify Your Vision, and Immediately Take The Next Right Steps to YOUR Definition of Success.

Let me show you how.


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Copyright 2019. Fempowered by Two Rivers Health